A Better Way to Collaborate: Quickly Discover and Refine Accurate Insights and Align with your Organization

Headlining an article last fall in the Harvard Business Review is the ominous pronouncement that “collaboration overload is sinking productivity.”

The authors write, “Collaborative work — time spent on email, IM, phone, and video calls — has risen 50% or more over the past decade to consume 85% or more of most people’s work weeks, and the Covid-19 pandemic caused this figure to take another sharp upward tick. These invisible demands are hurting organizations’ efforts to become more agile and innovative. And they can lead to individual career derailment, burnout, and declines in physical and mental well-being. “

Today, efficient and effective collaboration has become even more difficult in a work-from-anywhere lifestyle. Video calls make it hard to maintain everyone’s attention and ensure you’ve received the best insights from everyone on the call. Getting key players together across time zones ‘on-demand’ is not an ideal way to bring forward their best ideas or support their productivity. Finally, group discussions often leave people feeling disenfranchised. Facilitating a large conversation to a positive conclusion that ensures everyone feels ‘heard’ can be very challenging and nearly impossible to do without introducing bias, or equally damaging, the perception of bias. 

There is a better way to discover and refine key knowledge and build alignment across your ecosystem with employees, partners, and customers. It’s called CrowdSmart, an AI-guided brainstorm that offers a way to collaborate that takes less time, has clear endpoints, reduces bias, streamlines the process, and delivers actionable results. For collaborators, it only takes a few minutes…whenever and wherever they decide to participate. And for decision makers, CrowdSmart’s sophisticated AI can refine and align actionable results from 10 to 10,000+ collaborators in a matter of minutes.

CrowdSmart patented technology is delivered as a cloud service, making it easy for any business leader to engage the stakeholders who matter to them as they consider any important decision – meeting company growth targets, designing and refining a new product or service, allocating capital, prioritizing innovation, or aligning member nations to respond to global crises. Choose from a library of conversation templates or design your own, invite collaborators to participate anonymously, freely submit their ideas, knowledge, and opinions and interact with their peers without bias. 

Our AI ensures the balanced consideration of all ideas, enabling collaborators to consider the widest range of possibilities, and helps the group discover and align on the best insights to help you move forward together. Our technology serves the collaborators by learning about them as they interact with the AI and with each other, proactively suggesting ideas that are unlike their own, giving them a chance to spark their imagination and provide new insights they hadn’t thought of before, as well as build empathy and learn new perspectives. Each Smart Conversation creates a persistent record of every collaboration, increasing institutional as well as individual knowledge and enabling the creation of ‘dream teams’ of future collaborators based on their diverse knowledge and influence on any topic.

CrowdSmart’s ability to take your collaboration to a new level could make an enormous difference to your company’s growth and success. As a decision maker, you will be able to discover diverse ideas, imagine new possibilities, and build employee and customer engagement to create forward momentum faster than you ever thought possible.

Check out CrowdSmart.ai.

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