This Digital Marketing Pioneer Prioritizes Innovation, Team Building, and Culture

Lisa Joy Rosner, the mother of four active teenagers and a serial CMO of public companies and start-ups, tells us what draws her to the CrowdSmart advisory team.

Dana LeVan, CrowdSmart VP of Growth:

How do you compare running a household as a mother of four teenagers (ages 12, 13.5, 15, and 16) with leading a major brand as head of digital marketing?

Lisa Joy:

I believe in situational leadership, focus, and empathy. As a leader, my job is to set the tone, goals, and the standard, then get out of people’s way and let them be fabulously successful. I remove their obstacles and celebrate their achievements. I’m exactly the same at home.

We run a tight ship here, and I run both household and the work environment with a lot of focus as well as with a lot of empathy and patience.


And joy?

Lisa Joy:

Always with joy:))


When seeking to work with a company, what do you look for?

Lisa Joy:

I prioritize innovation, team building, and culture. I’m a very curious person, and I’m happiest when I’m learning and jumping into big challenges with new technologies. 

Interestingly, the heart of what CrowdSmart does embodies these priorities. The technology helps create independent thinking along with consensus building. It prioritizes innovation, ideation, and alignment. It also enables customers to become successful because CrowdSmart builds a relationship with its customers which leads to innovation, stronger teams, and better outcomes.


How is CrowdSmart different from its competitors in the decision-making space?

Lisa Joy:

With CrowdSmart, the secret sauce lies in its patented AI. It’s the collaborative environment that its AI enables, the way that AI can

surface a topic and inform a collaboration that it sets up.


You were an English major, so how do you relate to the technology underlying CrowdSmart?

Lisa Joy:

First, the most important rule of marketing is not technology. It’s to know your customers. In B2B marketing, we are not marketing to office buildings, we are communicating with and serving people, people who have heartbeats and a job to do. As marketers, our responsibility is to form a meaningful connection with our buyers and add value to their business day. And the way we do this is by understanding who they are, and what challenges they have, and communicating with them.  As an English major, communication and storytelling is the core of what we are trained to do, and these skills have served me well as a marketer in high-tech.  

In addition, as an English major (cough cough) geek, I learned how to diagram sentences ad nauseum, and who knew it was to prepare me to understand how NLP (natural language processing) technology works?! NLP was part of the underlying technology at NetBase and Otonomo (where I was the CMO) as well as here at CrowdSmart.

Let me show you just how big an English geek I am: check out my Diagrammatical Dissertation wall art. [Here, she pulls out a framed chart diagramming the opening lines of 25 classic novels, such as “Call me Ishmael,” from Moby Dick.] See what I mean? This is complex.

The tech proposition here is that if you take the power of NLP and layer on AI in real time with human language – which CrowdSmart enables – you turn conversations and their interactions into real insights. That’s the magic.


And the result?

 Lisa Joy:

Companies can quickly prioritize. In business (and in life), focus is our friend. It’s hard to focus when there are so many possibilities.

CrowdSmart has helped lots of teams to focus, whether it’s a product innovation cycle, planning, and budgeting, or another decision that needs to be made. Prioritization and alignment are very difficult things for humans to do.


And it’s obvious why there’s such a synchronicity between your focus on prioritizing company culture and your advocacy for

CrowdSmart’s ability to create a collaborative culture with its client’s customers and employees.

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